Deep Dive Fun Talk and Performance

The FUN group show at Otis Street Arts, curated by Heloisa Escudero and featuring several of my sculptures, is up until March 23. I will be one of several artists ✨performing✨ a 5-minute piece at the artist talk Sunday evening, March 10.

Deep Dive FUN Talk and Performance
Otis Street Arts Project
3706 Otis St, Mt Rainier, MD 2071
Sunday, March 10 from 5-7 PM

FUN Artists: Travis Childers, Irene Clouthier, Emily Hoxworth Hager, Jessica Kallista, Scott Larson, Akemi Maegawa, Megan Maher, Carolina Mayorga, Frank McCauley, Zsudayka Nzinga, Olivia Tripp Morrow, Kiel Posner, Johab Silva, Gabriel Soto, James S.Terrell 

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